When you finally find a diet that works for your body, the changes you experience can be incredible. Your energy levels, mental health, physical endurance, immune system, and overall well-being can completely transform with the right foods and nourishment.
But how do you know what your body needs, and which types of foods to focus on? In this article, we’re going to help you narrow down the search for the perfect diet by comparing two popular but very different options: The carnivore diet vs Mediterranean diet.
We’ll discuss the differences between these two diets, exploring their nutritional content, health outcomes, environmental impact, cost, and so much more. We’ll empower you with all the info you need to make an informed choice that’s best for you and your personal health needs.
But first, what exactly is the carnivore diet, and why is it so popular?
What is the Carnivore Diet?
The carnivore diet may seem like a radical departure from a traditional Western diet, and that’s sort of the point! We’ve started to rely on so many processed, unnatural foods that our bodies haven’t evolved to tolerate, and it’s having huge impacts on our health as a society.
The carnivore diet, rooted in the primal consumption of animal products, takes us back to basics. It has a similar philosophy to the keto or paleo diet in that regard, but when you analyze carnivore vs paleo and keto vs carnivore diets, you can see they’re quite different.
How the Diet Works
At its core, the carnivore diet revolves around a straightforward premise: eat only animal products and eliminate all plant-based foods. Sounds simple, right? That’s because it is! It’s easy to follow, and easy to understand what’s included on the carnivore diet food list.
Followers predominantly consume meat, including beef, poultry, pork, and fish, along with animal-derived products such as eggs. Some low-sugar dairy, such as hard cheese, is also included, although some people avoid cheese on carnivore diet altogether.
Why People Are Drawn to It
The main draws of the carnivore diet are that it’s simple to follow and there are some pretty staggering carnivore diet benefits, including weight loss, improved mental clarity, and reduced inflammation, which can dramatically improve your long-term health.
The carnivore diet side effects tend to be mild and short-lived, and a modified carnivore diet is a great option for those who are drawn to the primal nature of this diet but have specific nutritional needs that may require a few changes to the traditional form of this diet.
What is the Mediterranean Diet?
Before we compare the carnivore diet vs Mediterranean diet, let’s take a step back and look at the Mediterranean diet. Rooted in the culinary traditions of countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea, this diet embodies a lifestyle rather than just a dietary regimen.
Celebrated for its emphasis on wholesome, nutrient-rich foods and a balanced approach to eating, this diet has garnered widespread recognition for its potential health benefits.
How the Diet Works
Central to the Mediterranean diet is an abundant consumption of plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and legumes. Olive oil takes center stage as a primary source of fat, replacing butter and other saturated fats commonly found in Western diets. Moderate portions of fish and poultry, along with a reduced intake of red meat, form the protein component. The diet encourages the consumption of dairy products, particularly yogurt and cheese, in moderation.
Why People Are Drawn to It
The Mediterranean diet's appeal lies in its reported health benefits. Studies have linked this dietary pattern to a reduced risk of heart disease, stroke, and certain chronic conditions.
Plus, the Mediterranean diet's flexibility and inclusivity appeal to many people. It doesn't advocate for strict elimination of food groups, which sometimes makes it more sustainable and adaptable to various cultural and personal preferences.
Carnivore Diet vs Mediterranean Diet: Which Diet is Right For You?
So, when it comes to the carnivore diet vs Mediterranean diet, which is right for you? Let’s take a look at how these two diets compare over different key criteria.
Nutritional Content and Diversity
The carnivore diet, focusing exclusively on animal products, provides ample complete protein sources and essential vitamins like B12. For those needing more nutritional diversity, it’s easy to add carnivore diet supplements or modify the diet to cater to your personal needs.
For example, some people opt for the carnivore and fruit diet instead, and can still experience many health benefits of the traditional carnivore diet. Including quality, tasty carnivore diet snacks like our meat chips is another way to diversify your carnivore diet without sacrificing nutrition.
What about the carnivore diet vs Mediterranean diet in terms of nutritional content and diversity? The Mediterranean diet is also a good choice, as it offers a good balance of animal and plant-based foods, and some diversity when it comes to the types of foods allowed.
Health Outcomes and Scientific Evidence
Before trying this diet, many people wonder is the carnivore diet healthy? The short answer is yes, especially when it comes to the carnivore diet and inflammation. This diet can dramatically reduce inflammation, which in turn helps protect you against diabetes, certain cancers, and even Alzheimer’s.
While many people associate meat with high cholesterol levels, the relationship between the carnivore diet and cholesterol is actually more complicated, with some research suggesting that the carnivore diet can contribute to a healthier cholesterol profile.
And let’s not forget about the carnivore diet weight loss! By cutting out carnivore diet carbs and sticking to the best no carb snacks, you can safely and healthily lose weight on the carnivore diet, while still enjoying so many delicious carnivore diet recipes.
While the Mediterranean diet has been linked with a decreased risk of cardiovascular disease and certain cancers, it can lead to weight gain due to the high-fat content of olive oil and nuts, and it can lead to anemia due to under-consumption of foods rich in iron.
Risk Analysis and Prevention Strategies
When it comes to the carnivore diet vs Mediterranean diet, both come with certain risks that need to be understood before you dive in. The carnivore diet can cause initial side effects like digestive discomfort and sugar cravings, but is generally well tolerated.
The Mediterranean diet also comes with short-term side effects, which may include headaches, bloating, flu-like symptoms, and irritability. Any significant change to your diet causes certain side effects, so it’s important to listen to your body and talk to your doctor if you have any specific concerns.
Gut Health and Microbiota
When it comes to gut health, it’s important to weigh up the carnivore diet pros and cons. Although this diet can cause initial digestive discomfort, it can lead to better overall gut health in the long term, as you’re avoiding processed foods that our bodies aren’t designed for.
Animal products are rich sources of probiotics, which help to keep your gut healthy and can even improve the symptoms of conditions like IBS. And, because you’re not eating foods like gluten which are difficult to digest, your healthier, happier stomach will certainly thank you!
The Mediterranean diet is also generally considered good for gut health, although it does include bread and pasta, which can be difficult to digest for some people, and lots of fruits and vegetables which can be inflammatory and detrimental to gut health.
Ecological Footprint and Global Sustainability
One common misconception about eating a diet that focuses on animal proteins is that it’s bad for the environment. While that can be the case, focusing on locally, sustainably sourced ingredients and regeneratively raised products dramatically lowers the environmental impact.
While the Mediterranean diet has a minimal ecological footprint if you’re in Spain or on the Italian coast, this changes dramatically as you get further from the Mediterranean. Importing Mediterranean ingredients to other areas dramatically increases the footprint of this diet.
Adaptability and Lifestyle Considerations
Many people love the carnivore diet because it’s so easy to follow. The rules are simple, and many restaurants offer meals that don’t break the rules, meaning you don’t have to sacrifice dinners with friends to stick to your diet.
On the other hand, the Mediterranean diet tends to involve a lot of planning and food prep, and the rules aren’t as black and white, making it confusing to follow at times. And, unless you’re specifically eating at an Italian restaurant, it can be difficult to stick to the rules in social settings.
Economic and Access Factors
Meat is often considered expensive, but it’s pretty easy to do the carnivore diet on a budget without sacrificing nutritional quality. When it comes to the Mediterranean diet vs carnivore diet, the former tends to have a bigger impact on your wallet.
Many components of the Mediterranean diet, like olive oil, are cheaper in that part of the world because they are abundant. However, the cost of shipping and importing these products overseas dramatically increases the costs, making this diet quite expensive over time.
Also, depending on where you live, it can be difficult to find the quality, fresh ingredients that the Mediterranean diet is so dependent on. Many people are forced to settle for inferior alternatives, which don’t have the same flavor or nutritional value.
Mental and Emotional Well-being
Many people find that a big carnivore diet before and after change is their mental health. The carnivore diet has been linked with increased focus, improved mood, and better mental clarity, possibly due to eliminating sugars and processed foods.
On the other hand, the low red meat content of the Mediterranean diet can cause iron deficiencies, which can lead to low energy levels and depression, and vitamin B12 deficiencies which can cause anxiety, depression, and an inability to concentrate.
So, Which is Better: Carnivore Diet vs Mediterranean Diet?
So, when it comes to the Mediterranean diet vs carnivore diet, which path should you take? Ultimately, it depends on your specific health goals, your medical history, and your specific nutritional requirements.
While the Mediterranean diet comes with some benefits, it can be expensive, taxing on the environment, difficult to stick to, and may even cause weight gain. The carnivore diet takes us back to our primal days, focusing on the nutrients our body was designed for the most.
A diet focused on animal products can reduce inflammation and regulate blood sugar, making the carnivore diet for diabetes a solid choice. Plus, an increasing selection of healthy meat snacks makes it easier than ever to stick to the carnivore diet and enjoy high-quality, nutritious protein.
How to Get Started on Carnivore to Live a Healthier, Happier Life
If you’ve weighed up the Mediterranean diet vs carnivore diet and decided that the latter is right for you, you’re probably wondering how to start a carnivore diet. The most important step is to take the time to properly research your new diet.
Learn how much to eat on carnivore diet, follow these carnivore diet tips, and discover the science behind this way of eating. Also, rather than making drastic changes, gradually transition to the carnivore diet. Start by eliminating processed foods and sugars - you’ll feel amazing!
Most people find it easier to stick to a new diet if they’re not hungry all the time. Make sure you invest in some quality snacks, like our delicious, melt-in-your-mouth carnivore chips. Made from just two ingredients (premium meat and salt), these are an absolute game-changer.
We have a huge selection of choices to suit every palate, including ribeye chips, steak chips, lamb chips, beef chips, and many more. There’s a full pound of grass-fed, regeneratively raised meat in every bag, and all our tasty snacks are made right here in the US.
Wrapping Up Our Comparison of the Mediterranean Diet vs Carnivore Diet
When it comes to the carnivore diet vs Mediterranean diet, there’s a lot to learn. These two diets both bring certain health benefits, but also come with side effects that are important to understand before you dive in.
While the Mediterranean diet has a focus on whole, natural foods, it’s not a great option for those looking to reduce inflammation or regulate their blood sugar levels. Plus, the high-fat content of olive oil and nuts can cause people to gain weight on this diet.
On the other hand, the primal nature of the carnivore diet gives our body the nutrients it’s been designed to use over thousands of years. It can decrease inflammation, help you lose weight, improve your focus, boost gut health, and so much more.
Make your journey towards better health even easier with Carnivore Snax. Our brisket chips, chicken chips, pork chips, and other delicious snacks are conveniently portable, making it easy to reap the benefits of the carnivore diet, wherever you are.
Revolutionize your well-being with the help of Carnivore Snax - get yours today!