If you've followed along our journey so far here at Carnivore Snax, you've probably heard us refer to regenerative agriculture a few times. Or, maybe you've learned about this approach to farming elsewhere. Either way, you're here because you want to know - why is regenerative agriculture important? And by the end of this article, you'll realize why this is something the entire planet needs to get behind - quickly.
From restoring our lands to increasing our food quality & availability, improving the lives of farmers & their herds, and so much more - there are 9 key reasons why regenerative agriculture is important. We'll cover these in-depth below so you can gain a better understanding of why here at Carnivore Snax, we only source our carnivore chips from regenerative farms.
Before we begin unpacking the reasons we advocate for regenerative farming, here's a brief overview of what this method entails:
A Brief Introduction to Regenerative Agriculture
First, what is regenerative agriculture?
Regenerative agriculture is a type of farming that helps the environment while growing healthy food. It is a more natural approach to agriculture that mimics the wild. Traditional farming often uses chemicals to help crops grow, but regenerative agriculture does not do this. Instead, it focuses on using natural methods like composting and cover crops to improve the quality of the soil and make sure it has enough water and nutrition for plants to grow well.
Regenerative agriculture also emphasizes keeping animals in a way that works with nature, instead of against it like traditional farms do by raising animals in crowded spaces or using hormones or antibiotics to keep them healthy.
Lastly, regenerative farms often use rotational grazing which means they keep their animals moving around so they can graze on different patches of land every few days instead of overgrazing one area all at once.
None of this really means anything to you until you understand the positive implications of regenerative farms - so, let's take a look at the outcomes from this style of agriculture below.
Why is Regenerative Agriculture Important?
So, why is regenerative agriculture important? You can probably surmise from the quick introduction above that this is a more natural, organic approach to farming.
Sure, avoiding pesticides and synthetic fertilizers is probably a good idea - but what are the specific impacts of this on our food supply chain, and the lands as a whole? Below, we'll highlight 9 key reasons to advocate for regenerative farming.
Reduces Soil Erosion and Degradation
The first reason why regenerative agriculture is important is that it helps reduce soil erosion and degradation. Traditional farming methods often involve plowing, tilling, and over-grazing which can result in soil erosion. With regenerative farming, practices such as planting cover crops and using rotation grazing help keep the soil intact longer. Why does this matter, though? Why should you care?
Well, this helps increase the organic matter in the soil, reduces water runoff, and prevents loss of topsoil - which ultimately increases soil fertility. To understand why this is important, keep reading below...
Increases Soil Fertility and Microbial Activity
All crops need inputs to grow healthy. Traditional farming requires the use of synthetic fertilizers to provide these inputs. But with increased soil fertility and natural microbial activity, this is not necessary - which is one of the key benefits of regenerative farming. Soil that is rich in organic matter, air, and water is more fertile and can help crops grow better.
The increased microbial activity also creates a healthier environment for plants to thrive as they can absorb more nutrients from the soil which leads to more resilient plants. Additionally, this also helps prevent crop diseases from taking hold as these microorganisms can deter harmful pests from attacking plants.
In terms of raising herds, traditional farms will feed their cattle, pigs, or other animals a food source they've bought in bulk. But with traditional farming, herds are able to graze natural grains or grasses that thrive on a farm as a result of increased soil fertility and microbial activity. This simulates the way these species would survive in nature. This creates healthier meat, raises profitability, and is regarded as a more ethical approach to farming.
Eliminates the Need for Synthetic Fertilizers & Pesticides
We just touched on it a bit, but regenerative farming eliminates the need for using synthetic fertilizers and pesticides can have severe environmental impacts. This is because these substances often enter the water supply and can pollute rivers, lakes, and other areas. But more importantly, residual build-up of these fertilizers and pesticides remains in the products you consume - which is linked to many health complications.
With regenerative farming, the need for these synthetic inputs is eliminated. This helps reduce pollution in important waterways which provides more clean water for drinking and recreational activities- making it an important part of preserving our environment.
Additionally, this helps protect animal species that use these same sources for food or habitat which further highlights why regenerative farming is so important to biodiversity conservation.
We'll talk more about biodiversity in a bit. First, let's discuss the issue of restoring our lands - and the solution of regenerative farming.
Restores Our Lands
Many of the points we've mentioned thus far all contribute to one overarching reason that regenerative farming is so important: it helps restore our lands. Here are a few of the points that explain how this is possible:
- Regenerative farming helps capture carbon from the atmosphere, which helps reduce global warming.
- It also increases water storage in soils and reduces water runoff - allowing for better absorption and replenishment of natural resources.
- It decreases dependency on fossil fuels (from pesticides and fertilizers) which further reduces our consumption of non-renewable energy sources.
All of these points add up to healthier lands - one we can proudly leave behind to future generations.
Promotes Biodiversity in Agricultural Areas
Regenerative agriculture also contributes to the greater health of our lands by promoting biodiversity in agricultural areas. By creating diverse and balanced ecosystems that include both crop and animal species, farms become more resilient to environmental impacts.
This is not only beneficial for the health of the environment but it has a positive impact on farmers as well. As nature becomes more balanced, the need for inputs such as fertilizers and pesticides is reduced - leading to lower costs and improved profits.
Increases Economic Opportunities for Farmers (Along With Morale)
Lastly, regenerative agriculture opens the door to more economic opportunities for farmers. As mentioned above, with the decreased need for inputs comes increased profitability - which helps keep small farms alive and well. But beyond just decreasing costs, farmers are able to get better prices on their products as a result of this style of farming.
Additionally, this approach to agriculture can help improve farmer morale as they are able to work in harmony with nature rather than against it.
This often leads to a greater sense of pride in their work and an overall better state of mind. Studies have shown that regenerative farms are operated by happier, healthier individuals - compared to the vastly different conditions you'll find on a commercial farm. This leads to another reason why we believe regenerative agriculture is important...
Decreases Our Reliance on Corporate Farms
Regenerative agriculture brings balance to the farming industry by decreasing our reliance on corporate farms. As more and more small regenerative farms pop up, it provides a viable alternative to the factory-style farming that has been so prominent in recent decades.
Here's an alarming figure for you: there are only four meat processors in the entire country. There's a monopoly in this industry and regenerative farming helps change that by creating an even playing field for small-scale farmers.
It's the Most Ethical Approach to Feeding a Population
The final point we want to make as to why regenerative agriculture is important concerns ethics. You've no doubt seen the conditions of commercial animal farms - it's downright depressing. Animals are confined to cages for the entirety of their lives. And, the workers on the farm are subject to similar conditions as the animals. The only people making a decent living are those at the top - the ones not putting their health and happiness on the line.
That's where regenerative farming comes in as a more ethical approach to feeding a population. It provides humane practices for animals, higher pay and better conditions for workers, and a healthier product for the end consumer. That's why we believe regenerative agriculture is not only important - it's essential to our future.
Closing Thoughts on Why Regenerative Agriculture is Important
That concludes our breakdown of why regenerative agriculture is important. As you can see, there are quite a few reasons to advocate for a world that is fed entirely through regenerative farming practices.
We highly encourage you to learn more about this topic and support local farmers whenever you get the chance! Buy meat and produce at the local farmer's market or auction. You can advocate for regenerative farming by educating those around you on the points you've learned today. And, you can hit corporate farms where it really hurts by choosing to only shop with brands that implement regenerative farming tactics. Learn more in our article on how to support regenerative agriculture.
Here at Carnivore Snax, that's the approach we've taken. Our meat chips are sourced from the most elite, ethical regenerative farms in the nation. That doesn't just ensure the healthiest, most delicious product possible - it allows all parties to feel good about their decisions.
You can shop with us knowing you're doing your part to make a difference and move our world towards mass adoption of regenerative agriculture. Because as you now know, it's the only way we can feed a population sustainably.
So, what are you waiting for? Taste the difference yourself by ditching unethical, over-processed junk in your pantry with our natural, delicious meat snacks. We have something for everyone - including ribeye chips, steak chips, lamb chips, beef chips, brisket chips, chicken chips, and even pork chips