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Carnivore Diet Treats: Our Favorite Ways to Spoil Yourself With a Sweet Treat

Carnivore Diet Treats

It’s no secret that the carnivore diet guidelines can be quite restrictive. But, the exclusionary nature of this diet is what delivers such profound benefits, from carnivore diet weight loss to mental clarity, carnivore diet inflammation reduction, and many, many more.

Plus, you don’t have to settle for boring old boiled eggs and beef jerky when cravings strike. There are so many great carnivore diet treats you have at your disposal! So, what can you eat on the carnivore diet when you want something sweet?

We’ll share our favorite sweet treats on carnivore diet below, featuring our very own meat chips - the #1 choice! They’re a perfect pairing for the diet with just 2 ingredients, meat and salt.

Yet, they’ve been referred to as a meat pastry with a light, airy crunch that quickly starts melting in your mouth, giving way to tantalizing flavors. There are so many varieties to choose from so you can keep things fresh and fun, too. 

Browse our carnivore chips and see for yourself what makes them so special today!

The Basics of Carnivore Diet

Before we get into our top carnivore diet sweet treats, let’s take a step back and explain what the carnivore diet is and why it’s worth trying in the first place.

Key Principles

The diet eliminates all plant-based foods, including fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds, focusing solely on meat, fish, eggs, and certain dairy products. 

The idea is to return to a way of eating that aligns with how our ancestors likely consumed food - primarily from animal sources. This leads to an array of benefits of carnivore diet, like simplicity. 

There’s no need to track calories or stress about eating windows. Eat as much as you want, whenever you want, as long as it comes from an animal. 

Health Benefits

But more importantly, is the carnivore diet healthy? Yes! You’re avoiding potential dietary irritants and allergens found in plant-based foods, such as lectins, oxalates, and phytates.

This leads to a dramatic reduction in inflammation. Many chronic conditions, such as autoimmune diseases, digestive disorders, and even some mental health issues, are linked to inflammation.

You’ll also find weight loss comes much easier with a high protein intake and very low carb intake. This puts your body in a constant state of ketosis where it must burn fat for fuel instead. It also stabilizes blood sugar levels and reduces insulin spikes, which is compelling for those with diabetes.

Mental clarity and improved cognitive function are also common benefits users experience, given the high-quality fats being consumed. 

Sounds great - but are there any side effects of carnivore diet you should be aware of? Other than a bit of digestional discomfort as your body adapts (known as the “carnivore flu”), the diet is fairly easy to transition to. 

You might worry about nutritional deficiencies since you’re only eating meat, but this can be addressed through supplements for carnivore diet or following a modified carnivore diet.

Really, the biggest challenge is managing cravings as you move away from your favorite sweet treats on carnivore diet. That’s why you need to find high-quality carnivore diet snacks.

Why You Need Sweet Treats on Carnivore Diet

In looking at the carnivore diet pros and cons, the biggest downside to the regimen is how exclusionary it is. While this is what makes it so powerful, it also makes it tough to manage cravings when they strike. 

You may find yourself longing for your old favorite chips, or perhaps some cookies. These have plant-based ingredients, though, and are no longer an option.

These cravings are natural and can arise from both psychological and physiological factors. Ignoring them is not the answer, as this can lead to cheating on the diet. Instead, you need suitable replacement sweet treats for carnivore diet.

The more deprived you feel, the more likely you are to eventually succumb to temptations, potentially derailing your carnivore diet results. The goal is for this diet to be a sustainable lifestyle adjustment - not one you struggle to stick with after just a few weeks.

The good news is there are plenty of carnivore diet sweet treats you can add to your pantry to keep cravings in check and actually enjoy following the diet. So, let’s get into your favorite ways to indulge in something sweet without breaking the rules below.

What are the Best Carnivore Diet Treats?

So, what are some carnivore desserts you can try? We’ll share a variety of options, from quick carnivore diet treats to delightful indulgences for special occasions.  

Carnivore Snax Meat Chips

The best low carb snacks are just a few clicks away at Carnivore Snax. Our meat chips are only made from meat and salt, that’s it. 

They have a delightful airy crisp that melts in your mouth so you can indulge in carnivore diet sweet treats without compromising on your carnivore meal plan. Plus, they’re sourced from the most elite, ethical regenerative farms in the country.

They’re great for taking on the go, but you’ll love snacking on them around the house too. With so many great varieties to choose from, you’ll never get bored of these carnivore diet treats:

With more than 91,000 satisfied customers and counting, it’s clear these are a staple on any carnivore diet food list

But don’t just take our word for it - order these sweet treats for carnivore diet today and taste the difference firsthand! We can’t wait to hear which carnivore chips recipe is your favorite. 

Whipped Cream with Added Collagen

Whipped cream is a quick and easy treat that fits perfectly into the carnivore diet. Adding collagen makes it easier to justify this sweet indulgence since you boost the nutritional value with a protein that supports skin, joint, and gut health. 

This makes it not only a delicious dessert but also a functional one, enhancing your overall well-being while satisfying sweet cravings. Here’s what you need and how to make it:


  • Heavy cream
  • Collagen powder (unflavored or vanilla-flavored)


  1. Pour heavy cream into a mixing bowl.
  2. Whip the cream using a hand mixer until soft peaks form.
  3. Gradually fold in the collagen powder until fully incorporated.
  4. Serve immediately or refrigerate for a thicker consistency.

Frozen Fat Bombs

These are ideal when you need a quick, energy-dense snack that aligns with the carnivore diet. They’re creamy, frozen treats rich in healthy fats, making them perfect for keeping you satisfied between meals. They’re also customizable with various flavors so you’ll never get bored.


  • Butter, ghee, or tallow
  • Vanilla extract or cinnamon (optional)


  1. Melt your chosen fat in a saucepan over low heat.
  2. Stir in vanilla extract or cinnamon if desired.
  3. Pour the mixture into silicone molds.
  4. Freeze until solid, then pop out and store in the freezer.

Pork Rind “Cinnamon” Crisps

Pork rind “cinnamon” crisps offer a crunchy, sweet treat that’s entirely carnivore-compliant. Pork rinds are high in protein and fat, making them an excellent snack option. 

Try adding a touch of cinnamon and sweetener to transform them into a satisfying dessert-like treat that still fits within the diet’s strict guidelines.


  • Pork rinds
  • Cinnamon
  • Carnivore-approved sweetener (optional, such as stevia or monk fruit)


  1. Place pork rinds in a mixing bowl.
  2. Sprinkle with cinnamon and, if using, a carnivore-approved sweetener.
  3. Toss the pork rinds until evenly coated.
  4. Serve immediately or store in an airtight container for later.

Carnivore Custard

Carnivore custard is a rich, nutrient-dense dessert that satisfies sweet cravings while providing essential vitamins and minerals from the egg yolks. It’s a great way to enjoy a creamy, indulgent dessert that aligns perfectly with the carnivore diet, offering both taste and nutrition.


  • Egg yolks
  • Heavy cream
  • Vanilla extract


  1. Whisk together egg yolks and heavy cream in a saucepan.
  2. Add a splash of vanilla extract.
  3. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until the mixture thickens into a custard.
  4. Remove from heat and allow to cool before refrigerating to set.

Cheesy Treats


Last but not least on our list of carnivore diet treats we have one of the classics: cheese on carnivore diet. This is a versatile ingredient that provides a satisfying combination of fat and protein. 

Whether you’re making crispy cheese chips or savory cheesy egg muffins, these treats are easy to prepare and offer a delicious way to enjoy your favorite flavors without straying from your dietary goals. Here are some options:


  • Full-fat cheese (cheddar, mozzarella, or parmesan)
  • Eggs (for cheesy egg muffins)


  1. For cheese chips: Slice cheese thinly and bake in a preheated oven at 350°F (175°C) until crispy.
  2. For cheesy egg muffins: Beat eggs and mix with shredded cheese. Pour into muffin tins and bake at 350°F (175°C) for 15-20 minutes, until set.

Enjoying Carnivore Diet Sweet Treats Without Compromising on Goals

There you have it, all our favorite sweet treats on carnivore diet! There are plenty more you can choose from as well to keep things interesting. 

Before we wrap up our carnivore diet treats guide, though, we want to share a few carnivore diet tips to keep you on track while satisfying your taste buds. 

Portion Control and Frequency

Even though this diet doesn’t call for strict calorie counting, we suggest you limit the portion sizes of your sweet treats. It’s easy to overconsume calorie-dense treats, especially those rich in fats, which can lead to unintended weight gain or slow down your progress.

Enjoy a small serving of whipped cream or a couple of fat bombs rather than indulging in large quantities at once. Treat these indulgences as occasional rewards rather than daily staples.

Timing Your Treats

Even if you’re not combining carnivore diet and intermittent fasting, you should make an effort to time your consumption strategically. 

Your body is already digesting and metabolizing food after a meal, making it an opportune time to enjoy something extra without spiking insulin levels too much.

Or, you could look at these as a great post-workout snack. Your body is in a state of heightened metabolic activity and can utilize the nutrients more efficiently. 

Balancing With Macros 

While it’s less about counting macros for carnivore diet and more about food choices, it’s still important to ensure that your treats fit within your overall dietary goals. 

If you’re indulging in a high-fat treat like frozen fat bombs, you may want to adjust the fat content of your other meals to maintain balance. Similarly, if your treat is protein-heavy, like whipped cream with added collagen or our meat chips, consider how it fits into your daily protein intake. 

Mindful Eating Practices

When you sit down to enjoy any of these sweet treats for carnivore diet, take the time to appreciate the flavors, textures, and satisfaction it brings. 

Eating slowly and savoring each bite can increase your awareness of your hunger and fullness cues, helping you recognize when you’ve had enough. 

If you find yourself reaching for a treat out of boredom or stress, pause and consider whether you’re truly hungry or just seeking comfort. The goal is to curb cravings, not binge eat!

Wrapping Up Our List of Sweet Treats for Carnivore Diet

We hope this list of sweet treats on carnivore diet inspires you to indulge in something healthy and delicious at the same time. You don’t have to choose between the two, after all! Just make sure to practice portion control and be mindful of when and how you indulge

We have more tips on how to start carnivore diet in our blog such as our 30-day carnivore diet meal plan, the best cuts of meat for carnivore diet, keto vs carnivore, carnivore diet for women, carnivore diet breakfast, paleo vs carnivore, carnivore diet on a budget, carnivore diet constipation, carnivore diet and cholesterol, and many more.

Carnivore Snax is passionate about empowering you to make the most of your nutritional choices - not just through helpful guides, but our tantalizing meat chips. Discover firsthand what makes them one of the best carnivore diet treats today by stocking up!

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