It goes without saying that you’re going to eat a lot of meat on the carnivore diet - after all, that’s just about all you’ll have on your carnivore diet grocery list.
But let’s get more specific about how much meat to eat on carnivore diet. There’s a fine line between not consuming enough and starving yourself of key nutrients and eating too much, leading to unnecessary calorie intake.
So, how much meat should I eat on carnivore diet per day? It will all depend on your bodyweight, your goals, and the other animal-based foods you’re eating. However, a good rule of thumb is somewhere between 1-2 pounds daily.
We’ll share more tips on finding the sweet spot for how much meat to eat per day on carnivore diet along with tips on choosing the right meats so you can reap the benefits of carnivore diet firsthand!
Carnivore Diet Overview
First things first, what is the carnivore diet and why should you take a chance on this unconventional dietary regimen? This diet is as straightforward as it sounds - you eat strictly animal-based foods, putting all plant-based foods in the past for good.
That means a whole lot of steak, ground beef, chicken, and fish - and of course, some organ meats here and there. But what can you eat on the carnivore diet besides meat? Eggs and certain dairy products are also fair game.
What matters most is you avoid fruits, veggies, grains, nuts, seeds, and other plant-based foods. That being said, it sounds pretty crazy…is carnivore diet healthy, though?
It certainly can be - especially for those with autoimmune conditions. You may find the diet eases certain symptoms associated with inflammation like pain. It’s because you’re eliminating a lot of anti-nutrients found in plant-based foods, which can do more harm than good.
The diet is also really simple, another advantage it has over more complex regimens. You can eat as much or as little as you want (to a certain extent) as long as you follow the rules of carnivore diet!
Learn more about the carnivore diet pros and cons in our blog, including the potential side effects of carnivore diet and tips on starting the carnivore diet. In the meantime, let’s address the elephant in the room - is there such thing as TOO MUCH meat on carnivore diet?
Can You Eat Too Much Meat on Carnivore Diet?
While there are technically no hard-and-fast rules about how much meat to eat on carnivore diet, there are general guidelines worth adhering to. The main concern is protein intake outweighing fat.
The Potential for Protein Overload on Carnivore Diet
Just about everything you’re going to eat on the carnivore diet is packed with protein, but especially meat. You need to strike a balance in your macros for carnivore diet so that you don’t eat too much protein.
Protein is supposed to be good for you, but too much of a good thing can definitely be a problem in this case. It can cause your body to convert protein into glucose (through gluconeogenesis), which may interfere with fat metabolism and reduce the diet’s benefits.
Signs You May Be Eating Too Much Meat
You don’t have to play the guessing game about whether or not you’re eating enough meat on the carnivore diet, your body will tell you.
Some of the most telltale signs of overconsuming meat are low energy, difficulty staying in ketosis, digestive issues, and even a constant feeling of hunger. Yes, hunger - while protein can encourage satiety, you eventually will eventually start screaming for fat if it’s not getting enough.
Consequences of Not Eating Enough Meat
Just as eating too much meat on the carnivore diet has its problems, not eating enough meat can be just as problematic. At that point, you’re likely starving yourself - because what else are you eating on carnivore diet if not meat?!
You’ll likely feel fatigued and hungry, but what’s happening underneath the surface is more concerning. You’re lacking essential nutrients, most notably, protein. Your body might struggle with muscle maintenance, immune support, and other functions that rely on protein.
In other words, insufficient meat intake can lead to muscle loss, poor recovery, and decreased energy, defeating the purpose of the diet. So, how much meat should I eat on carnivore diet?
So, How Much Meat Should I Eat on Carnivore Diet?
We said from the start that there isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer for how much meat to eat on carnivore diet. There are quite a few moving parts, like body size, activity level, and metabolic needs.
So, how much meat should I eat on carnivore diet on average? 1-2 pounds is a safe estimate, and you can adjust from there. But we encourage you to take your time to get more specific about how much meat to eat per day on carnivore diet using your bodyweight as a baseline.
We have a separate guide on how much protein to eat daily. There, we mention the general recommendation is anywhere from 0.8-1.2 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight - again, based on your activity level and goals.
You can reverse engineer how much meat to eat on carnivore diet from there. 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight tends to translate to 1-2 pounds of meat. So if you weigh 150 pounds, 1.5 pounds of meat should be a safe starting point.
Pay attention to when you feel satisfied rather than stuffed, and use that to guide your portions. It’s okay to eat more if you’re feeling genuinely hungry, as your body may need the extra protein and fat. On the other hand, there’s no need to force yourself to finish a specific amount if you’re comfortably full.
Think about what you do on a daily basis and your unique metabolism, too. If you’re less active or have a slower metabolism, you’ll probably find yourself on the lower end of the spectrum for how much meat to eat per day on carnivore diet, and vice versa.
Why the Type of Meat You Eat Matters
Understanding how much meat to consume on carnivore diet is a great step in the right direction, but there is still much to be considered in your carnivore diet meal plan for beginners. Most notably, meat quality and variety. Here’s what you need to know.
The Importance of Variety and Quality
Not all meat is created equal, but you probably already knew that. Commercial farming tactics tend to produce meat with a lower nutrient composition (and much to be desired from an ethical standpoint).
In contrast, regenerative farming is known for raising animals that are healthier, happier, and as a result of more ethical practices, more nutrient dense.
Prioritize the best meat for carnivore diet - grass-fed or pasture-raised is the way to go. Better yet, see if you can source straight from a farmer that doesn’t use antibiotics or any other potential additives.
It’s also important that you’re switching it up and not eating the same meats day in, day out. The biggest concern on carnivore diet is nutrient deficiency, and failing to eat meat from different sources will expose you to this risk.
Fortunately, there are so many carnivore diet lunch ideas and carnivore diet dinner ideas you can choose from to keep things fresh and fun.
Red Meat for Iron, B Vitamins, and Healthy Fats
Red meats like beef and lamb are excellent sources of iron, which supports energy and immune function, and B vitamins, which play a role in metabolism and mental clarity.
They’re also high in saturated and monounsaturated fats, providing steady energy and satiety. You’ll see these meats referred to as “nutrient dense” because you get a lot of good stuff in every bite.
White Meat for Lean Protein and Lighter Caloric Load
Chicken and turkey have their place on carnivore diet as well, especially for those interested in the carnivore diet for weight loss trying to see impressive 1 month carnivore diet results.
They’re a much leaner protein option with a lower fat content, so you can rely on these if you’re trying to watch your calorie intake. While they don’t offer the same fat-soluble vitamins as red meat, white meats are easily digestible and versatile.
Fatty Fish for Omega-3s and Anti-Inflammatory Benefits
Round out your meals with fatty fish like salmon, sardines, and mackerel. Each of these is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and known for providing anti-inflammatory properties and support for brain and heart health.
What Should You Eat Besides Meat on Carnivore Diet?
You know how much meat to eat on carnivore diet, but what else should you be consuming besides meat? Your options will range from eggs to cheese and other dairy sources.
Eggs as a Nutrient-Rich Staple
Wait, can you eat eggs on carnivore diet? You sure can - they’re animal-based, after all! These are among the best ways to get a break from meat, especially for your carnivore diet breakfast ideas.
These can also be great snacks for carnivore diet when hard-boiled, though they pale in comparison to our meat chips (more on that later).
You get a ton of essential nutrients beyond protein, including choline (important for brain health), and fat-soluble vitamins like A, D, and E. Switch up how you prepare them to keep things fresh and fun.
Bone Broth for Collagen and Gut Health
Collagen supports joint health, skin elasticity, and gut lining integrity. It’s not something you can afford to miss out on carnivore, and fortunately, you don’t have to. Bone broth has tons of it!
Slowly simmered bones release amino acids like glycine and proline that are beneficial for digestion and may help reduce inflammation. Sipping bone broth or using it as a base for cooking adds a comforting, nutrient-dense boost. It offers gut health benefits, too.
Fatty Dairy (If Tolerated)
Not everyone can tolerate milk on carnivore diet - or other dairy products for that matter, like cheese - but if you can, this opens up another realm of possibilities. Wait, can you eat cheese on carnivore diet? Absolutely - as long as you enjoy it in moderation, it’s a perfect snack option.
Dairy is a great way to get extra calories, flavor, and a dose of calcium and vitamin K2 to support bone health. Heavy cream and cheeses are great bases for some of our favorite carnivore desserts as well.
You’ll also use dairy as one of the primary fats for cooking, as butter is best for most meals. However, other animal fats like tallow and lard will also have their place in helping you prepare meals.
The Concept of Modified Carnivore Diets
It’s clear that carnivore diet recipes can be fairly restrictive. There isn’t a lot at your fingertips beyond meat, eggs, and dairy. That’s why many who are just getting started end up following a modified carnivore diet instead. So, how does the carnivore diet work this way?
There’s no one-size-fits-all approach, but it means you can add in a few more food groups that don’t cause problems for your body. That could be fruit, vegetables, nuts, or anything in between.
While this method does compromise on the carnivore diet results to a certain extent, it can give you a bit more flexibility if you feel that the standard carnivore diet is too exclusionary to be sustainable.
After all, everybody’s digestive system is different, and some people won’t deal with any discomfort from some of the food groups that are eliminated on carnivore. If you add these back in and don’t experience any adverse effects, you can continue eating them.
Parting Thoughts on How Much Meat to Eat on Carnivore Diet
That wraps up our guide on how much meat to eat per day on carnivore diet. There isn’t necessarily a one-size-fits-all answer, as it will depend on your body weight and goals. In general, though, 1-2 pounds a day is a good starting point.
Our blog has more resources on topics like coffee on carnivore diet, carnivore diet supplements, carnivore diet constipation, carnivore diet and cholesterol, carnivore diet on a budget, keto vs carnivore, carnivore diet joint pain, paleo vs carnivore, female carnivore diet, carnivore diet for bodybuilding, mediterranean diet vs carnivore diet, and carnivore diet treats.
Speaking of treats, remember that the best low carb snacks are just a click away at Carnivore Snax. Our carnivore chips are great if you’re struggling with eating enough meat and want to fill in the gaps with an easy, delicious, on-the-go snack that aligns with the principles of carnivore.
After all, they contain just two ingredients - meat and salt, that’s it. We source the meat from the most elite, ethical regenerative farms in the nation so you can feel good about spoiling yourself too.
They taste amazing, with many referring to them as a meat pastry because they start out with a lighty, airy crunch before melting in your mouth and giving way to tantalizing flavors. There are so many great options to choose from, too:
So, head over to our website and learn more about what makes our meat chips so special. Better yet, order yours today and see firsthand what keeps our customers coming back for more!